Monday, September 5, 2011

hip to my heart

so this title has nothing to do with my post this evening, but im currently listening to this song and quite enjoying it. okay. try and keep up because i have some catching up to do. first things first. i left my home at k.h. and moved back home with the parentals. most young adults find joy in moving out and being independent, and i admit, it was quite eventful, but i do have to say that i lo lo lo love my home. its nothing too extraordinary. just a comfortable queen size bed, my own room, my own closet, my own bathroom, mother makes my lunches and dinners,etc.

there are a few things i greatly miss though. i miss seeing my friends all the time. it honestly was a summer full of laughter and good times. since rach is getting married; planning a wedding and a fiance has currently taken over her life.( p.s. remember my previous post.... 11/11/11. . . she is now getting married on that day) carly and cam and meg and i all moved home so we see a little bit of each other. our schedules with work and school are still kind of bizzarre, but we make some time for friendship.

i miss sharing clothes. with all of us being around the same size, my wardrobe increased 4x larger than it was before. . . . and now im back to my miniscule wardrobe.

well. school started one week ago. i am currently enrolled in stats, physical science, living prophets, humanities, and new testament. with working 20 hours and being a program director over a service committee, it shall be a very busy schedule. im applying for my major, elementary education, in 9 days. i have to take some tests this week(4 to be exact) but hopefully they go well so i can turn in my application and finally take a breath.

ah. well those are my thoughts.

If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page
- Mark Houlahan -